story of an unknown indian part-2
before landing to his final destination.there had been a brief but significant period elapsed at jalpaiguri town.which was in his hey days then, powered by renowned tea industrialists like s.p.ray, b.c.ghosh etc. at that time those peoples were no meaner than shorter version of great mughals.nevertheless they rendered many goods to the society, along side there industrialist character.among them the top was s.p. ray,who owned the most number of tea gardens,among indians.that included 'mathura tea estate' also,it was the mother concern of all the tea gardens he owned.with all those big fishes playing in her belly jalpaiguri was almost the crowing glory of north bengal then.the young man, who was reaching there, found it enthusiastic,forth coming to get a job.the town did not deceived him. quickly found a job at wimco safety match factory,through a a remuneration of six annas per day, don't laugh my dear, remember it was 'nineteen hundred and thirty ni...