
Showing posts from July 23, 2017

Chilarayer Garh/Kot

Chila Ray the ace warrior of erstwhile ruling, Narayana dynasty of CoochBehar/KochBihar. Often compared with the famous French general 'Napoleon'. His war guile,his bravery the assault, on opponent with his troop, in a flashing speed like a kite or Chil dives on it's prey,always made his opponents short of their defenses. Latter historians aptly termed him as 'Indian Napoleon'. He was the brother of the second king 'NaraNarayan', of the dynasty.  Son of  the first king B iswasingha, the mythical lovechild of L ord S hiva. S ukladhawaj , his other name. He was commander-in-chief of the Narayani army. Protecting his country throughout the middle of the16th century. Till today his name is associated,with the ruins of  fortresses. One most famous situated inside the 'Chilapata' forest (note the name of the forest),some thirty kms north of Cooch Behar town. The geographical position of the fort. Gives an clear indication ,that it was used as frontier...