Princess May,was born in the month of May 1919,in England.Her Royal highness,Maharani of Jaipur Gayetri Devi.Was the princess of coochbehar. She was a proud daughter of cooch behar,was the most renowned and presentable face of cooch behar,till her noble soul took the eternal journey. She was picked among Worlds ten beautiful women, of her time by Vouge magazine..Educated in Santiniketan, the ashram founded by nobel laureate poet Rabindranath Tagore, and in Switzerland. Her child hood and teen playful days memories can still be heard,in the corridors, bricks of the cooch behar palace.The soil, the dust of the ground; in front of the palace never fails to call to the enthusiastic or to the admirers and even to any plain tourist"Here Ayesha(nick named by her mom Indira Devi the princess of Baroda) played hide and seek with her pals,there in the room in second floor facing west spent long time playing dolls house.You see, the left side of palace, where there could be found wreckage of a temple,do you know what she used to do there? She playfully worshiped Lord Shiva there.There along the fencing a thin lane ran across it of almost two kilometre long.
She used to learn and practised horse riding there.The royal who never tried to be royal before any common cooch beharite.To many many cooch beharites she was not the Princess but motherly guardian.
To me she was a fairy tale in person,something that was heard sitting in the lap of grandpa and ma in the stories, came from their mouth.Something that was dreamt in many child hood subconscious vision saw a very beautiful fairy tale princess in dazzling white lased dress,was coming fast riding a snow white stallion,her long dark hairs were were flying back. Who she was? One night when I just crossed teen, Freud, came in my sleep and whispered to my ears; you dreamt of Princess May.Divine! Wasn't that?
It was such a big life,could never be described in this short span.
A loss for us that would never be fulfilled.
                                                               Rajbari close(palace)


  1. please follow and comment on my blog:

    i'll follow u then. thanks.. ^^

  2. What a lovely report! Well done Nirupam!!

  3. btw, your last post was on jan 21? bloggers keep update everday.

  4. Very interesting .. made me think.. Thank you

  5. Interesting post, Nirupam. Am following you now.


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